Board of Education
The mission of East Maine School District 63 is to " empower all students to succeed in a changing world." Our students depend on all of us to provide them with the opportunity to learn and grow. Our consistent focus is always on providing an equitable education for all students, as every child deserves the very best we have to offer.
District 63 is a public institution governed by a seven-member Board of Education elected by citizens residing within the District's legal boundaries. The Board’s powers and duties include the authority to adopt, enforce, and monitor all policies for the management and governance of the District’s schools. It is also responsible for hiring and overseeing the District's Superintendent of Schools. Official action by the Board of Education may only occur at a duly called and legally conducted meeting at which a quorum is physically present. Board members, as individuals, have no authority over school affairs except as provided by law or as authorized by the Board. Each member of the Board of Education lives within the District and ascribes to the Illinois Association of School Boards’ Code of Conduct for Members of School Boards.
Board meetings are open to all. Members of the public are invited and encouraged to attend or watch the livestream at any time.