Title IX / Sexual Harassment
Title IX Coordinator
Dr. Jake Chung, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources
Email: jchung@emsd63.org
10150 Dee Road
Des Plaines, IL 60016
Phone: 847.299.1900
Current East Maine D63 non-discrimination policies:
Title IX Personnel
Title IX Formal Sexual Harassment Complaint Form
If you believe that you have been the victim of sexual harassment by a staff member, a student, or another person, please fill out this form, and click on the submit button at the bottom of the document. Submitting this form electronically has the same binding effect as if the original signed document was submitted by mail or in-person, including attesting that all information provided is true and accurate.
Criminal conduct should also be reported to local law enforcement and suspected abuse or neglect of a child should also be reported to the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services at 1-800-25-ABUSE.
This formal complaint form is intended for use by the alleged victim of Title IX sexual harassment (the “Complainant”). Under Title IX, a parent or legal guardian may sign a complaint form and otherwise act on behalf of a minor in the formal complaint process. The District will process all formal complaints in accordance with Board Policy 2:265 and applicable Title IX rules and regulations.
If you are NOT filling this form out as an alleged victim, or a parent or guardian of a minor, and you intend to report sexual harassment against another person in the District’s education program or activities, please report your concerns to the District’s Title IX Coordinator so that the District can review your concerns and determine an appropriate course of action.