Student Records
Notice to Parents/Guardians and Students of Their Rights Concerning a Student's School Records
A school student record is any writing or other recorded information concerning a student and by which a student may be individually identified that is maintained by a school or at its direction or by a school employee, regardless of how or where the information is stored, except for certain records kept in a staff member’s sole possession; records maintained by law enforcement officers working in the school; video and other electronic recordings that are created in part for law enforcement, security, or safety reasons or purposes; and electronic recordings made on school buses. The District maintains two types of school records for each student: permanent record and temporary record.
- The permanent record consists of basic identifying information, academic transcripts, attendance record, health record, record of release of permanent information, and other basic information. The permanent record shall be kept for sixty years after the student transfers, withdraws or graduates.
- The temporary record consists of all information not required to be in the student permanent record including state assessments, home language, health-related information, accident reports, student transfer information, etc. The temporary record will be destroyed entirely five years after the student transfers, withdraws or graduates.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Illinois School Student Records Act (ISSRA) afford parents/guardians and students over 18 years of age (eligible students) certain rights with respect to the student’s school records. They are:
- The right to inspect and copy the student’s education records
- The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records
- The right to permit disclosure of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records
- The right to a copy of any school student record proposed to be destroyed or deleted
- The right to prohibit the release of directory information concerning the parent’s/ guardian’s child
- Throughout the school year, the District may release directory information regarding its students, limited to:
- Student's Name
- Student's Address
- Student's Grade level
- Student's Birthdate and place
- Parent(s)/guardian(s)’ names, addresses, electronic mail addresses, and telephone numbers
- Photographs, videos, or digital images used for informational or news-related purposes (whether by a media outlet or by the school) of a student participating in school or school-sponsored activities, organizations, and athletics that have appeared in school publications, such as yearbooks, newspapers, or sporting or fine arts programs
- Academic awards, degrees, and honors
- Information in relation to school‑sponsored activities, organizations, and athletics
- Major field of study
- Period of attendance in school
- Throughout the school year, the District may release directory information regarding its students, limited to:
For more information please contact your building principal.
For further reference please see board policy 7:340 Student Records