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School Supply Lists



Students use a variety of school supplies in class every day. The district purchases some of the items, and individual buildings purchase others for student use. Families fill in with the rest of the items on the supply list. Students should have the following supplies when they return to learning in mid-August. 

Note: As always, kindergarten and first-grade students should bring a change of seasonal clothing that will be left in the student’s locker.

Gemini Middle School

The attached supply list contains items parents/guardians will need to purchase.

Students do not need to purchase brand names for the supplies listed except for the Case-it 3-Ring Zipper Binder 2-Inch and the Texas Instruments TI-30XIIS Scientific Calculator. 

Elementary Students: K - 5

Below are some of the items students will use during the school year. Please print the complete list to take with you as you shop. 
•    Crayons
•    markers, including dry-erase markers
•    pencil case
•    pencils
•    erasers
•    pocket folders
•    spiral notebooks