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What is a referral

PBIS Referral

What is a referral?
A referral is another component of PBIS communication and is a data collection tool that assists the staff in documenting behavior issues. If a student is having trouble following expectations, a teacher will write a referral to document the behavior and the consequences that followed. Each month, the PBIS teams' looks at the data collected to see trends and plan interventions. The referral itself is not a “punishment” but rather a means of collecting information from around the school. Below is an example of some of the behaviors that a referral can be given for and our school guidelines for the steps following a major level referral.   (Minor offenses, by definition, are situations that a teacher can address without the help of the office, social worker, or other support staff. Documentation typically happens after a first warning has been issued without having the desired effect.)   

 Minor Offenses (Classroom) Definition 
Inappropriate Language Profanity or other inappropriate comments not directed at a student, teacher, or staff member
Physical Contact One student making unwanted, non-accidental (bumping, touching) physical contact with another
Defiance/Disrespect Purposeful noncompliance or refusal to follow instructions and/or routines that temporarily distracts the student from learning. Negative, oppositional, or disrespectful language that interrupts instruction 
Disruption Student engages in low-intensity, inappropriate disruption (i.e., talking, joking, whispering)
Property Misuse  Student engages in low-intensity abuse of personal or classroom property (i.e., lab equipment, pencil cases, white-out, etc.)
Technology Misuse Student engages in the use of technology, personal or school, in an inappropriate, but minor way. (i.e., not on approved website, cell phone interrupts class) 
Tardy  Student is not seated in the assigned or expected seat when the bell rings 

How do I know if my child has a referral?
If your child has a referral, you will be contacted by the referring teacher. They may call you, email you, or send a referral notification sheet home. Here are examples of notification sheets that may be used:  
PBIS Behavior Warning  
PBIS Behavior Warning - Child to Parent Incident