District Supply of Undesignated Asthma Medications, Epinephrine Injectors, Opioid Antagonists and Glucagon
The Superintendent or designee shall implement Section 22-30(f) of the School Code and maintain a supply of undesignated asthma medication, undesignated epinephrine injectors, undesignated opioid antagonists, and undesignated glucagon in the name of the District and provide or administer them as necessary according to State law. A school nurse or trained personnel, as defined in State law, may administer undesignated asthma medication to a person when they, in good faith, believe a person is having respiratory distress; may administer an undesignated epinephrine injector to a person when they, in good faith, believe a person is having an anaphylactic reaction; may administer an undesignated opioid antagonist to a person when they, in good faith, believe a person is having an opioid overdose; may administer glucagon injection to a person when a student’s prescribed glucagon is not available or has expired, a school nurse or delegated care aide may administer undesignated glucagon only if he or she is authorized to do so by a student’s diabetes care plan.
For more information, see Policy 7:270 Administering Medicines to Students or contact your local health office.