Multi-Tiered System of Supports MTSS
District 63's mission is "Empowering All Students to Succeed in a Changing World." Achieving this mission requires:
- Meeting the needs of every student through the alignment of curriculum, instruction, and assessment within an integrated, differentiated system.
- A safe school environment with behavioral expectations for all students.
To meet these goals -- and to improve academic and behavioral outcomes for all students -- District 63 uses a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS). MTSS is a decision-making framework that supports quality Core Instruction through data collection and data analysis for all children.
MTSS consists of:
- Data monitoring and analysis
- Systematic problem solving
- Tiered system of support
Data Monitoring and Analysis
All students K-8 are screened three times each year with in literacy, students in grades 3-8 are also screened in math.
All students K-8 are screened for internalizing and externalizing behavior risks three times per year as well.
Data from these screening instruments are reviewed by grade level teams to determine instructional needs.
Evidence-based curriculum and instruction is provided for all students.
Interventions are provided for identified students, for both academic and behavioral needs.
Progress monitoring data is collected and used to guide academic and behavioral instructional decisions.
Systematic Problem Solving
Team-based processes support diverse students learning strengths.
Observations of student academic and behavioral concerns are examined to determine the root cause.
Decisions are made based on academic and behavioral data.
Plans are developed, implemented, and monitored.
Tiered System of Support
Multiple supports within the general education classroom support differentiated and accelerated learning
Supports are provided in the areas of academic, behavioral, and social emotional learning.
The Parent's Role
Parents are an important member of their child’s educational team.
Family involvement has a positive impact on student behavior.
When students feel support from both home and school, they are more self-confident do better in school.
Communicate with your child’s teacher frequently.
Stay informed by attending Open House and Parent Teacher Conferences.
Your child’s teacher may also ask you for additional information
At any time, you can contact your child’s teacher to ask about your child’s progress
Talk to your child about school and let your child know that you support his/her efforts.
You can also ask for ways to help your child at home.
For more information, contact your student's school or the East Maine District 63 Office of Teaching and Learning