Strategic Plan 2024-2029
During the 2023-2024 school year, East Maine District 63 undertook an in-depth strategic planning process, working closely with Educational Leadership Solutions (ELS) and a core 45-member Strategic Planning Team comprising Board members, District administrators, staff members, parents, and members of the broader community.
The Strategic Plan was approved by the Board of Education in 2024.
Goals & Progress Updates
- Teaching & Learning: Strengthen systems and structures to meet the needs of students.
- Technology: Support student and stakeholder learning with innovative technology
- Facilities & Finance: Maintain the District’s strong financial condition, build equitable learning spaces, and modernize our buildings
- Communications: Provide accessible, timely, and relevant information to stakeholders
- Human Resources: Attract and retain diverse, effective employees
- Core Values
Teaching & Learning: Strengthen systems and structures to meet the needs of students.
Objective 1: Improve differentiation practices | ||
Action | Evidence of Success | Status |
A. Implement one math specialist position at each middle and elementary school, with a focus on supporting and coaching teachers on math differentiation practices, providing interventions to students, and facilitating extension experiences for students achieving above grade-level expectations in math. | Improvement in math proficiency levels among students at all achievement levels. | In progress |
Six math specialists were hired last summer - one for each elementary school and for Gemini. In late August/early September they participated in collaboration and training sessions to ensure that they were knowledgeable about District instructional practices and were able to coach teachers and support student learning. Currently, they are taking coursework to earn the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) Math Specialist Endorsement. Math specialists are now supporting teacher and student learning by working in classrooms and pulling students out for math interventions and enrichment sessions. The Math Specialist Team will present its work at the January 9, 2025 Board of Education meeting. |
December 2024 | |
B. Create a District 63 Math Leadership Team to achieve three core goals:
Completed instructional framework that includes "doable" differentiation methods and math progressions aligned across the grade level and learning continuum. Math curriculum next steps presented to the Superintendent for the 2025-26 year. |
In progress |
District 63's Math Leadership Team - comprising 36 K-8 teachers, specialists, instructional coaches, and administrators - met for the first time on November 7, 2024 to begin developing a math instruction framework. This work will continue during the next meeting on February 13, 2025. |
December 2024 | |
C. Provide professional learning support for K-8 teachers of math through monthly Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Cycles, focusing on "doable" math differentiation practices and strategies. | Improved classroom instruction and student outcomes through effective differentiation practices, supported by positive teacher feedback and observation data. | In progress |
Led by principals, instructional coaches, and math specialists - in collaboration with the Teaching and Learning Department - all schools have facilitated two to three monthly Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Cycles, focused largely on strengthening math instructional practices through doable differentiation. These PDSA Cycles took place during grade level and department meetings, and during School Improvement (SIP) Days. |
December 2024 | |
D. Expand the implementation of our new social-emotional learning program, RULER (recognizing, understanding, labeling, expressing, and regulating), to include all recommended instructional lessons and the parent education component of the program. | Essential Maps developed and implemented by teaching staff to support social and emotional learning. | In progress |
Staff from across the District met in June to create social and emotional learning instructional maps for PreK-8th grade students. Using RULER-provided lessons, District resources, and first-year implementation feedback, week-by-week calendars were developed for each grade level with nearly all required teacher materials ready for use by the first day of school. Next steps: completing RULER walk-throughs at all schools and collecting implementation feedback in order to refine materials in June for the 25-26 school year. |
December 2024 |
Objective 2: Deepen equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) efforts | ||
Action | Evidence of Success | Status |
A. Evaluate newcomer and multilingual support services in schools, and develop a long-term plan to meet student needs. | Long-term plan developed to support newcomer needs. | In progress |
In April 2024, the Multilingual Department - working with an outside consultant - conducted a thorough evaluation of the K-5 Multilingual Learner (ML) Resource Program and found that the service delivery model focused disproportionately on newcomer students, compromising support for all other ML students. As a result, in August 2024 the District implemented a restructured approach to optimize multilingual resource services without compromising supports for newcomers. Previously, newcomer students were pulled out from classrooms for 45-60 minutes per day in grade-level groups to focus on language and academic instruction. The revised model combines daily 30-minute Newcomer Connection Groups with co-teaching in general education classrooms. The groups - which include a mix of K-5 students - provide essential social-emotional support, cultural orientation, and acclimation to the school environment. ML teachers can now spend more time in the classroom co-teaching and providing targeted, just-in-time language and academic supports - ensuring that we provide equitable services to newcomers and MLs in the general education classroom. The middle school ML Resource Team (comprising three teachers) met with an outside consultant on October 31, 2024, to analyze instructional practices for newcomer students, review the current instructional framework for newcomer English language arts (ELA) classes, and discuss how these classes are meeting the needs of newcomer students at Gemini. The team met again on December 6, 2024, to review newcomer ELA class objectives, create a revised course description, and develop criteria to use when determining when to exit a student from the newcomer class. |
December 2024 | |
B. Develop and implement a system to increase student attendance. | Attendance system developed and implemented by June 2025. Student attendance increases over time. | In progress |
The District Attendance Team implemented preventative and responsive supports to enhance student attendance, including monthly attendance emails to families, tips for maintaining regular attendance in family newsletters, and a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) for students at risk of chronic absenteeism and their families. |
December 2024 | |
C. Implement a three-year plan, developed by the District 63 Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Committee, to increase EDI education for students, staff, and the community. | EDI educational opportunities implemented for students, staff, and the community. | In progress |
The District EDI Team - comprising 22 administrators, teachers, support staff, and related services personnel - met on September 18, 2024, to participate in some professional learning and begin implementing the three-year plan. We meet again on January 22, 2025. |
December 2024 | |
Objective 3: Increase student, adult, and family programming | ||
Action | Evidence of Success | Status |
A. Explore a partnership with Oakton College to expand adult English learning classes to include more District 63 parents. | If a partnership is developed, adult English learning classes are offered to District 63 parents. | Complete |
District 63 and Oakton entered into a memorandum of agreement to provide three-hour adult English classes at the Family Resource Center (FRC) twice weekly (T/Th) during each semester and the summer. Classes took place during summer and fall 2024 and will continue into spring 2025. |
December 2024 | |
B. Evaluate Family Resource Center (FRC) programming and align services to community needs. | FRC programming aligned with community needs based on survey feedback. | Not started |
Not yet started. |
December 2024 | |
C. Revise the newcomer/new student intake process and develop a tiered approach to meet the needs of impacted families. | Revised intake protocol and tiered approach utilized for all newcomer families. | Complete |
In June, the FRC reviewed its newcomer/new student intake process. In order to streamline communication between the FRC Parent/Community Liaison (PCL) and schools, family responses to the intake interview questions are now captured in PowerSchool - making them accessible to building administrators and social workers. Based on each family’s needs assessment, we may provide more - or less - intensive support. But ongoing communication remains a key part of assisting all of our newcomer families. Intensive supports include waiving Expanded Learning fees for the family's first year in U.S., access to the FRC Marketplace/Welcome Center, ongoing support from the PCL, and English classes for parents and children. |
December 2024 |
Technology: Support student and stakeholder learning with innovative technology
Objective 1: Champion technology innovation | ||
Action | Evidence of Success | Status |
A. Provide ongoing professional development opportunities for teachers to become proficient in using educational tools. | Professional learning evaluations reflect teacher growth with educational tools. | In progress |
Early in November 2024 teachers were surveyed to assess their knowledge and usage of District digital tools. Results are currently being analyzed to identify professional development needs and determine next steps. To streamline the evaluation and approval of educational technology tools, the District will establish a Tech Tool Evaluation and Approval Committee (TTEAC) in early 2025. The TTEAC will also play a key role in integrating professional development for staff on both new and existing digital tools used in District 63. |
December 2024 | |
B. Integrate digital citizenship education into the curriculum, teaching students responsible, safe, and ethical behavior online. | Digital citizenship instructional expectations are included in all grade-level essential maps, ensuring teachers cover all required lessons. | Complete |
All K-8 digital citizenship lessons have been incorporated into grade-level essential maps. As of October 29, 2024 125 digital citizenship lessons had been taught in District 63, representing 21.3 percent of the required lessons for the year. |
December 2024 | |
C. Integrate assistive technologies (AT) to increase student access to learning. | AT integrated in student support plans, including Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) and 504 plans. | In progress |
In collaboration with the Assistive Technology Facilitator, the Technology Department continues to provide digital resources and devices to enhance learning access for all students. This includes iPads for use as communication devices and Prowise boards in STIL classrooms to support students requiring adjustable boards. |
December 2024 | |
Objective 2: Continue student, parent, and staff education | ||
Action | Evidence of Success | Status |
A. Develop and maintain virtual onboarding training for new staff. | Staff complete all training prior to new staff orientation. | Complete |
The Technology Department introduced asynchronous digital onboarding via EdPuzzle Professional as part of the new teacher orientation. All new certified staff and student teachers completed the training by September. |
December 2024 | |
B. Provide school-based Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM) Family Nights at each elementary and middle school. | STEAM family nights held at each elementary and middle school. | In progress |
Family STEAM Nights at Melzer (September), Mark Twain (October), Apollo (November), and Nelson (December) each drew an average of 100 students. Upcoming events are scheduled for Washington (January 2025) and Gemini (February 2025). |
December 2024 | |
C. Educate and provide resources for staff and students to use artificial intelligence (AI) for teaching and learning purposes. | Instructional Technology Coaches provide professional learning focused on the use of A.I. for staff and student use. | In progress |
Instructional Technology Coaches (ITCs) are trialing AI tools, including MagicSchool for elementary and Brisk for middle school, with teachers and students. At Gemini, the ITC is exploring ways to integrate digital citizenship lessons focused on AI. |
December 2024 | |
Objective 3: Strengthen systems integration | ||
Action | Evidence of Success | Status |
A. In collaboration with the Communications Department, implement one platform for family communication that allows for two-way communication capabilities and language translations. |
Two-way communications platform implemented. | In progress |
BrightArrow was implemented, however, the process has faced significant challenges. Alternative solutions are under review, with potential changes planned for summer 2025. |
December 2024 | |
B. In conjunction with the Special Services Department, train staff to utilize the District-wide student performance data warehouse. | Staff are trained to utilize the data warehouse for the problem-solving and Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) processes. | In progress |
Initial implementation of PowerSchool's Analytics and Insights Program focused on administrators and staff supporting the MTSS process. Over the summer and fall, coaches, interventionists, and literacy specialists received training. Ongoing support is available through one-on-one coaching. Next steps include expanding training to all staff via online videos and job aids. |
December 2024 | |
C. Utilize the Cybersecurity Audit results to implement improved security and safeguards throughout the district. | Vulnerabilities identified in the cybersecurity audit resolved successfully with no data breaches. | In progress |
Key vulnerabilities from the last penetration test have been addressed. The Technology Department launched Cybernut, a gamified phishing training program. As of November 11, 2024 over 2,300 training emails have been sent district-wide, with a 27 percent report rate. Additionally, a Cybersecurity Incident Response Team (CIRT) is finalizing a response plan, and a phased onboarding of a Cybersecurity Specialist begins this month. |
December 2024 |
Facilities & Finance: Maintain the District’s strong financial condition, build equitable learning spaces, and modernize our buildings
Objective 1: Maintain State Board of Education Financial Review or Recognition Profile. | ||
Action | Evidence of Success | Status |
A. Adopt an annual budget that maintains District finances at the Review or Recognition level. | District maintains Review or Recognition level. | Complete |
For fiscal year 2023-24, the District was at the Illinois State Board of Education.(ISBE) Recognition level. The budget adopted by the Board last September ensures that the District will maintain at least a Review designation. |
December 2024 | |
B. Continue to update a financial projection model that highlights the financial condition of the District over the next five years. | Five-year projection model updated annually and implemented to provide view of financial condition of the District, including assessment of risk factors. | In progress |
The five-year financial projections presented at the May 2024 Board meeting highlighted the use of accumulated fund balance over the past six years to continue to fund all educational programs. The presentation included two scenarios: the first assumed the District maintains the current level of staffing and the second assumed positions vacated due to attrition are not replaced. Under both models, the fund balance as a percentage of annual expenditures at the end of the five-year period ranges between 50 and 60 percent, which is more than twice the guidance given by ISBE. |
December 2024 | |
Objective 2: Build equitable learning spaces to meet student needs. | ||
Action | Evidence of Success | Status |
A. Create a priority list of projects to improve learning spaces. | Priority list created and presented to the Board of Education. | In progress |
For the next year, we are prioritizing our most critical learning spaces: improving the learning spaces for the STIL program's sensory room as well as the music and art rooms at Washington. Over the next two years, we will finalize a plan to address learning spaces across all our buildings over the long term. |
December 2024 | |
B. Develop a plan to execute capital improvements efficiently and effectively. | Board of Education approved plan that includes funding mechanism, procurement method, and estimated project timelines. | In progress |
The execution of our plan for improving learning spaces over the next year is in progress. The Board has approved funding for the projects in the form of bonds, proceeds from which were received on November 18. We are working to finalize the procurement methods and timelines over the next month. |
December 2024 | |
Objective 3: Modernize infrastructure | ||
Action | Evidence of Success | Status |
A. Finalize and file Life Safety Report with the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE). | Life Safety Report filed with ISBE. | Complete |
Wold Architects filed the Life Safety Report in November 2024. The reports for Twain, Nelson, and Washington have already been approved and, pending ISBE's questions and/or comments, we anticipate approval on the remaining buildings by the end of January 2025. |
December 2024 | |
B. Create a priority list of projects to modernize infrastructure. | Priority list created and presented to the Board of Education. | In progress |
The Life Safety Report provides a priority list of projects. Priority A projects are most critical and will be addressed during summer 2025. Priority B projects will be addressed in subsequent years - with completion scheduled for summer 2029. Non life-safety projects that improve and modernize the District's infrastructure will begin to be addressed in the summer 2025 with the upgrade of Mark Twain's roof and likely the parking lot. |
December 2024 | |
C. Develop a plan to execute capital improvements efficiently and effectively. | Board of Education approved plan that includes funding mechanism, procurement method, and estimated project timelines. | In progress |
Execution of our plan for modernizing infrastructure over the next year is in progress. As noted under Objective 2, Action Step B, the Board has approved funding for the projects in the form of bonds. |
December 2024 |
Communications: Provide accessible, timely, and relevant information to stakeholders
Objective 1: Maintain high-quality external and internal communications, adapting to communication preferences. |
Action | Evidence of Success | Status |
A. Continue to effectively and consistently disseminate information to families and staff regularly through appropriate communications channels. | Timely, well-executed maintenance of all communications channels. Accessible website, social media, and e-newsletter as indicated by viewer and usage statistics. | In progress |
The District maintains regular and extensive communication with families and staff. Families receive a biweekly District e-newsletter (every second Friday) as well as weekly school e-newsletters; staff receive a monthly District e-newsletter and weekly school e-newsletters. Other channels include emails, texts, and phone calls sent as needed; social media updated twice daily on District pages and as appropriate on school sites; website and digital signs regularly updated; electronic bulletin boards in each school; and a twice-yearly print newsletter disseminated to all addresses in the District as well as elected officials and community partners. |
December 2024 | |
B. Continue providing robust, responsive communications support to all schools and departments. | Positive feedback on communications-related support via survey of administrators. | In progress |
Administrators frequently seek feedback and support for written materials, web pages, social media, and general communications problem-solving. Events and activities are widely promoted through District communication channels, with media requests handled by Communications. |
December 2024 | |
C. Increase family access to District communications. | Tool(s) to increase access identified and implemented, including options for language translation. Review annually. | In progress |
A new mass communications system, BrightArrow, has been implemented - and ideally should provide a wide range of translation features. However, challenges persist. The District is reviewing alternatives and may implement changes in the coming months. |
December 2024 | |
Objective 2: Engage a broader parent community | ||
Action | Evidence of Success | Status |
A. Support parent-teacher organizations (PTO) with communication with families. | PTO leaders disseminate key District 63/school messages in multiple languages and are adept at steering parents to multi-language resources. | In progress |
We regularly communicate with PTO leaders and held our first PTO President Leadership Council Meeting in October. The next meeting is scheduled for January 8, 2025. |
December 2024 | |
B. Expand our use of multiple forms of digital media in multiple languages. | Digital media communication projects completed and disseminated by close of the 2024-25 school year. | In progress |
Refer to Objective 1, Action Step C for an update on BrightArrow. |
December 2024 | |
C. Leverage Family Resource Center (FRC) programming to disseminate District-level communications | Families attending FRC programs regularly receive District information. | In progress |
The FRC is stocked with District newsletters, and District-level news is shared on FRC webpages and social media. |
December 2024 | |
Objective 3: Strengthen community partnerships | ||
Action | Evidence of Success | Status |
A. Create a detailed database of potential and current local partners. | Detailed spreadsheet of all current partnerships completed; system in place for routinely updating the information. | Complete |
We have created a detailed Partner List (which is ever-evolving) that will be updated annually with new and potential new partners. |
December 2024 | |
B. Maintain and strengthen relationships with elected officials. | At least one contact every six months for each elected official; strive for one visit from each every other year. | In progress |
The District routinely communicates with elected officials, including Congresspeople, State Senators and Representatives, Cook County Commissioners, local Mayors, and our Township Supervisor. We are also active with ED-RED, which advocates for suburban school district needs in Springfield. Recently, one of our State Senators secured a $250,000 grant for the Summer Reading Program and will visit in late spring. |
December 2024 |
Human Resources: Attract and retain diverse, effective employees
Objective 1: Employ high-quality staff | ||
Action | Evidence of Success | Status |
A. Conduct stay interviews with individuals from each school to better understand why they continue to want to work in District 63. | Interviews completed for at least 20 teachers across assignments and levels of experience. | In progress |
Stay interview questions have been developed and meetings with staff members began in December 2024. |
December 2024 | |
B. Develop additional 63-second videos highlighting current employees. |
Two videos created and published. | In progress |
The script for the first video is being written, with completion scheduled for February 2025. |
December 2024 | |
Objective 2: Work to be fully staffed | ||
Action | Evidence of Success | Status |
A. Develop a teacher assistant marketing campaign to highlight why staff should work in District 63. | Effective marketing campaign developed and implemented as measured by data collected from interviewees during hiring process. | In progress |
"Join Our Team" advertisements have been strategically placed on benches, yard signs, and banners. |
December 2024 | |
B. Continue to partner with Illinois State University (ISU) with the yearlong Professional Development Schools student teaching program. | Successful ongoing partnership with ISU; recruitment of highly-qualified educators identified through program. | In progress |
Nine Illinois State University student teachers are participating, with plans to hire several as potential candidates. |
December 2024 | |
C. Expand job fair visits to other Midwestern colleges and universities: Indiana University, University of Wisconsin, University of Iowa, University of Illinois, Eastern Illinois, ISU, and North Central College. | All job fairs attended, with data to support future participation at specific universities and colleges. | In progress |
Eight job fairs are planned for winter/spring 2025, with six already confirmed. |
December 2024 | |
Objective 3: Offer competitive compensation and benefits | ||
Action | Evidence of Success | Status |
A. Review market condition salaries to offer competitive and attractive salaries for each employee group. | Data on market conditions collected and analyzed, with recommendations to the Superintendent on future action. | In progress |
We continue to review salaries for each employee group with other school districts. |
December 2024 | |
B. Review collective bargaining agreements and negotiate competitive agreements that are fiscally responsible. | Successful collective bargaining with the East Maine Teacher Assistant Association (EMTAA) that results in mutually beneficial agreement for the Board of Education and union. | In progress |
EMTAA negotiation dates are scheduled and will begin on March 12, 2025. |
December 2024 | |
C. Review benefits plans from comparable school districts in the Northwest Suburbs to ensure that we are regionally competitive. | Data on benefits collected and analyzed, with options and recommendation(s) provided to the Superintendent on ways to maintain and/or enhance our benefits. | In progress |
We continue to gather benefits information from neighboring school districts. |
December 2024 |